Tuesday, January 5, 2010

bad day man, bad day.

i dont like the new campus. yeah, really i still dont like it.
and i got tons of things in january and it's like WOAH, so much! eh. learning symposium display board by 14 jan, seasons/tournament starting on 18 jan, CID 4 starting to brainstorm and meeting mentor like next wednesday. if im really in the school team, i will miss obs. gosh. then how. epic fail leh.

and somemore everyday to do netball stuff, i think im dead soon. and reaching home so late. and walking around the school to find the only open gate. darn stupid what for they have main gate and side gates? side gates like operate for 2 hours daily then byebye, you are locked. eh main gate closes so early. -.- not main lorh.

and school doesnt sell bottled drinks?! okay lah there's pokka one but then, no hundred plus or isotonic drinks!!! D: rubbish lah.

and i just ate a cherry tomato and it tastes yucky.

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